Posted on: November 24, 2023 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Dhrumil Jayesh Vakil, Student at Amity University, Mumbai


As part of a multifaceted approach to controlling climate change, aviation contributes to it through a variety of processes, including aircraft operations that rely on the burning of fossil fuels in aircraft technology on the ground or in the troposphere. A number of pollutants contribute to a change in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, including CO2, NOx, Aerosols with soot and sulfate. Climate change is accelerated by this increase in radiation forcing and accelerating mankind’s impact on the environment. As a result, aircraft have been stated to release 240% mortal-convincing The emissions of CO2, which are responsible for 12% of the world’s total emissions generated by transportation and four percent of recorded global warming being caused by mankind at the moment.  Recently, there has been a surge of interest in hybridization and electric-powered aircraft, along with Alternative Airline Fuel (AAF). Since, these technologies may provide solutions in the area of air pollution control. Specialized innovation such as powered  engine (for short-distance excursions) and alternatives for fossil fuels can be useful in decreasing Green house Gas emissions to 25%-63% by 2050. Low-carbon synthesized fuel, which can be utilized in far-flung flights, is expected to lower carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.

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