Posted on: November 12, 2021 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Ishwar Singh Rathore, Student at Manipal University, Jaipur

Co-Author: Nagendra Singh, Student at Manipal University, Jaipur


This research paper discusses child labour in India. it has always been a less discussed topic. In the world are children is taken as the greatest gift of humanity. Human development important stage is childhood and it take the potential to the future of any society. the parent links the future to the present status of the children. Child labour is a rising day by day in our societies because of which children who are small in age are force to work such industries which effect their health and also because of this are education suffered it would not be wrong to say that child labour effects the each and every aspect the life of children in very bad way. Child labour is growing rapidly in underdeveloped and developing countries it is national issue. child labour takes away the basic right of education, health, independence of children etc. The children are forced to do labour because they are poor and don’t have ample amount of education available to them.

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