Posted on: July 22, 2021 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Shriya Shukla, Student at Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contains a wide range of complex issues, standards, procedures, and legal frameworks, all of which seek to define the nature of social responsibility and accountability for human rights, labor rights, and environmental issues.

While both business and non-business organizations have to deal with the community, the main focus is on business firms that cater to the needs of the community. Companies have specific policies and procedures that affect the interests of their employees and other stakeholders. These programs are counseled on the need to do what is right and good for the whole community. Social goals are set by economic organizations. A business without income does not care about the needs of the community. In fact, the cost of social responsibility is passed on to consumers in the form of rising prices for goods and services. The responsibility of a social organization is not simply the responsibility of the senior management. Managers at all levels participate in the performance of organizational functions. The social commitment to health does not align with the public interest once or twice. It is important that organizations continue to be involved in social issues if they want to survive and grow over time. Economic and social problems go hand in hand.

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