Posted on: May 24, 2023 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Author: Sree Eshaan P.S, Student at Faculty of Law, PES University, Bengaluru, Karnataka


The UK government’s position has been marked by ambivalence for the 30 years since the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution issued its report on the use of planning controls over air pollution: it has urged the use of planning powers to control pollution while cautioning them to avoid encroaching on the remit of other regulatory agencies. Planning’s role in reducing pollution must now be understood in the context of adaptation to European environmental policy, to recurring calls for deregulation, and, above all, to the pursuit of sustainable development. While the terminology used to describe planning controls over pollution and the pollutants of greatest concern have changed over time. The article claims that because the central government is reluctant to let local planning authorities imperil economic development, inadequate weight is given to pollution control in deciding planning applications. It implies that enhanced procedures and public and political support for specified environmental objectives are necessary for planning to continue adapting and continuing to play its full role in battling the effects of climate change. The research will also tell the detailed framework on how the country will also control pollution for the future as it is already a developed country and not a developing country. It will have more futuristic advanced methods and the control team of UK will work on the advanced techniques on controlling pollution.

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